Demetra Eleftheriou -医疗总监
(电子邮件保护)Demetra is a family practice physician and the regional medical director for 哈特福德 Healthcare’s campus care program. 她收到了M。.D. from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and has an M.P.H. 密歇根大学的流行病学博士. 工作之余, Demetra enjoys going on adventures with her wonderful husband and their three Amazon parrots.
马里兰州Demetra Eleftheriou.
卡拉·阿纳斯塔西奥,MSN, ANP, BC -临床主管
(电子邮件保护)卡拉在康涅狄格州出生和长大. She studied nursing at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. and spent five years providing bedside cardiac care. Bedside nursing reinforced for her the critical importance of preventative health care. 想要在上游工作,她进入了康涅狄格大学, 斯托尔斯, CT’s master’s in nursing Adult Primary Care program. 辅助她的护理计划, she had the privilege of being selected into the first cohort of their Urban ServiceTrack (UST), 教授跨学科的课程, collaborative care of underserved populations and social determinants of health, 她的激情.毕业并拿到证书后, Kara enjoyed five years of working with vulnerable populations before starting her own family and shifting her care-focus to college health at Trinity.信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生都是了不起的人, 我们未来的立法者, 教育工作者, 艺术家和科学家. 在她的工作中, she hopes to help support them in their quest to better understand their personal health, as well as the social determinants of health that impact them on individual, 社区和社会层面. 她是健康中心的临床主任.

When Kara goes home from work, she gets to enjoy the antics of her husband, 3 boys and 2 dogs. Her free time is spent with those she loves, as well as reading and appreciating the natural world.

Kara Anastasiou, PA-C


詹妮弗·格雷迪—— RN主管
(电子邮件保护)Jennifer is a native New Englander, originally from Bristol, CT. 做了将近30年的护士, her experience includes a multifaceted Nursing background: Aesthetics, 护理学兼职教授, 结直肠手术, 急诊室, 儿科, 长期护理, 记忆保健, 家庭护理, 政府服务, 和初级保健.She graduated from Villanova University’s Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While at Villanova, she was an active member of Alpha Phi sorority. Commissioned as an officer in the Navy Nurse Corps in 1993, she served her country until 1997 in 儿科 and Emergency Room as well as a Fleet Hospital Platform. In 2002, Jennifer received her Master of Science in Nursing from University of Phoenix.Jennifer is passionate about helping others to achieve the best version of themselves, applying emotional intelligence to help connect people through sharing their stories and experiences. 一个狂热的健身专家, 武术家, 园丁, 工匠, 粉彩艺术家, 她喜欢和丈夫在一起, Mark, 和他们的金毛猎犬, 奥托.
Lorissa希斯 -执业护士
洛丽莎已经做了18年的APRN了. She is originally from Wethersfield, CT, and attended Kingswood-Oxford. Her career in medicine started at the young age of 16 when she started volunteering on Wethersfield Volunteer Ambulance, and then shortly after obtained her EMT certification. She then went on to Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH and received her BSN. She worked in 哈特福德 Hospital ER for 5 years while obtaining her MSN, 昆尼皮亚克大学的APRN.Lorissa’s experience as an APRN has been quite diverse. 她有 a passion for emergency medicine and has spent much of her career working in the emergency room or urgent care setting. 她有, 然而, subspecialized in Rheumatology with 13 years of experience treating patients with a vast array of rheumatologic conditions. She also spent a brief period working in the specialty of orthopedics.说到在信誉最好的网投十大平台工作, Lorissa is very excited to be here and help care for the students at their home away from home. She hopes to provide quality medical care as well as emotional support when needed. She strives to provide holistic care to all of her patients.工作之余, Lorissa enjoys spending time with her husband and 3 children who all keep her very busy! In her free time, she enjoys exercising on the Peloton, singing, and being outdoors.
玛蒂·马尼斯卡尔科,MSN, FNP, BC - 护士
(电子邮件保护)Martha Shamy Maniscalco (aka “Mattie” at 信誉最好的网投十大平台) earned a B.A. 来自里士满的厄勒姆学院, IN, where she studied ceramics and participated in the farm program. 毕业后, she went on to complete two terms of service with AmeriCorps, first working with the Student Conservation Association / NH Parks and then working with Habitat for Humanity out of Orange County, NC. Through these experiences, she became interested in nursing. It felt like a career that would allow her to continue engaging her head, hands and heart. 幸运的是,它做到了. Martha went back to school and graduated with a M.S.N. from the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Family 护士 program. 作为一名执业护士, she worked in community health with the homeless and other underserved populations for 10 years. “Mattie” has had the pleasure of serving the students of 信誉最好的网投十大平台 since 2016.
弗娜Rismay -医疗助理

I was born and raised on the beautiful and tropical island of St. 露西娅. I am fluent in English, and French I have been in healthcare for over 30 years. I have had so much fun working with all the students here on campus. 工作之余 I enjoy spending quality time with my husband, 2 boys, and four grandchildren.

盖尔·苏扎 -病人服务协调员

My name is Gail and I’ve been at the health center since 2021. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my daughters, 去海滩, taking a trip to Marshall’s and taking my dog Suzy for car rides and walks.

Stephanie Taylor – MSN, ANP, BC -执业护士